Cefeidas Group News
Electoral Outlook – 2024 Uruguay General Election
With the presidential elections in Uruguay rapidly approaching on October 27, 2024, Cefeidas Group has developed an in-depth report analyzing the critical aspects that will shape this pivotal moment in Uruguay’s political and economic future. Drawing on the expertise...

AQ Podcast | Argentina: Javier Milei Runs into Resistance
On February 15, Cefeidas Group’s Managing Director, Juan Cruz Diaz, participated in the Americas Quarterly Podcast giving insights on the Argentinian political climate. In this episode, Diaz talked about the future of Milei’s proposed reforms, the status of his...
Navigating Artificial Intelligence: trends and debates in Latin America
The unprecedented integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into various aspects of everyday life propelled AI to the center of public debate. Countries are actively seeking to promote initiatives that maximize the benefits of AI while minimizing the risks...

Juan Cruz Diaz, Managing Director of Cefeidas Group, Participates as Speaker at 2023 CFO Forum
On August 23rd, Juan Cruz Diaz, the Managing Director of Cefeidas Group, took part as a speaker at the 2023 CFO Forum held in Buenos Aires. The event, organized by the Americas Society/Council of the Americas, featured a diverse range of discussions. Together with...

BYMA- Sustaintability Report
Cefeidas Group is proud to have supported BYMA in the production of its 5th sustainability report for the year 2022, following the GRI guidelines and recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) and the Sustainability Accounting...

ESG Course at BYMA with the support of Cefeidas Group
During May 2023, BYMA Bolsas y Mercados Argentinos S.A., with the support of Cefeidas Group, finalized the third edition of their Foundational Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Course. They analyzed the tools to integrate and implement sustainability...

Argentina Electoral Calendar
Cefeidas Group has prepared the following memo on Argentina's recently officialized 2023 electoral calendar. Learn about the implications of provinces' decisions to decouple their votes from the federal electoral cycle as well as candidacy developments in both major...

Will Latin America’s anti-Incumbency wave reach Argentina and Guatemala?
On February 2nd, Cefeidas Group managing director Juan Cruz Díaz was interviewed in the Latin America In Focus podcast from Americas Society/ Council of the Americas. He talked about what to keep an eye on in Argentina´s 2023 elections. To listen to the full...