On April 15, The Dialogue’s Latin America Energy Advisor published a commentary by Cefeidas Group Public Policy, Risk & Strategy Lead Specialist Roland Huxley and Specialist Macarena Michienzi. They commented on the status of energy cooperation between Chile and Argentina and a recent agreement that would see Argentina increase exports of liquefied natural gas and oil to Chile:
“The agreement signed by Chile and Argentina represents a step forward on energy cooperation following the resumption of Argentine gas exports to Chile in 2018, and it advances both countries’ objectives in the energy sector. First, increased oil and gas exports will provide Argentina with vital foreign currency to bolster the central bank’s limited reserves. It will also help Argentina to cut expenditures in order to meet the objectives established in the agreement to refinance its debt with the IMF…The deal also opens the possibility of Argentine access to Chile’s Pacific ports, thereby facilitating the export of oil and gas to the lucrative Asian market. From a Chilean perspective, guaranteed access to Argentina’s extensive oil and gas reserves is a significant development for a country that is heavily dependent on imports to meet local demand.“
To read their commentary in the full article, please click here.