Latin America Energy Advisor, February 26, 2021
On February 26, The Dialogue’s Energy Advisor published a commentary by Cefeidas Group Manager Megan Cook. She commented on the potential for oil production and investments in Argentina’s Vaca Muerta shale oil and gas field to recover in the next few years.
“Successfully catalyzing Vaca Muerta’s promise in the medium and longer terms will require attracting investment by promoting macroeconomic stability and ensuring a more supportive and predictable policy environment. While the Fernández administration has indicated that it would like to make progress on both fronts, Argentina’s economy continues to face structural challenges that generate volatility, and foreign exchange controls limit the appeal of the country as an investment destination. Additionally, progress on policies that could support investment, such as specific incentives for the sector, may see scant progress in a year that will be focused on the Covid-19 vaccination campaign and then increasingly on midterm elections.”
To read her commentary in the full article, please click here.