On June 22, The Dialogue published a commentary by Cefeidas Group Managing Director Juan Cruz Díaz. He commented on the motivations behind and the impact of the Argentine government’s effort to take over agricultural export company Vicentín, responding to the following questions:
Argentina’s government is moving to take over bankrupt soy-crushing company Vicentin in what President Alberto Fernández called an effort to save jobs and protect the country’s food-exporting sector and Production Minister Matías Kulfas described as “a statist vision for the 21st century.” What would the nationalization of Vicentin mean for the Argentine government and for the country’s soy industry? Is this likely to be the first of many expropriations to come under the Fernández administration? What message does the move send to Argentina’s business community, and what consequences could it bring for investment in the country?
To read his commentary in the full article, please click here.