Santiago Chaher
On November 16, managing directors of Cefeidas Group, Juan Cruz Diaz and Santiago Chaher facilitated the presentation Training in Corporate Governance: Practical Experiences at the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) technical workshop in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The event gathered experts in corporate governance across Latin America to discuss the progress of corporate governance in Latin America, the OECD principles, and how to set and incorporate these into practice.
The event was hosted by La Asociación Argentina de Presupuesto y Administración Financiera Pública (ASAP; the Argentine Association of Budget and Public Financial Administration), Asociación Internacional de Presupuesto Público (ASIP; International Association of Public Budget) and the British Embassy.

Juan Cruz Diaz
The event was sponsored by Ministerio de Hacienda y Finanzas de la Nación (Ministry of Finance and Finance of the Nation), the American Club of Buenos Aires, the Argentine-British Chamber of Commerce, la Asociación Dirigentes de Empresas (Association of Business Leaders), la Comisión Nacional de Valores (National Securities Commission), and el Grupo Provincia (Province Group).
The event took place at the headquarters of the Association of Business Leaders, a forum for information sharing on topics linked to the economy, management, strategic planning, trade, environmental management, human resources, institutional relations, among others.
To see a full agenda of the event, please click here.