Snapshot of presentation
On April 4, Cefeidas Group Political Risk Specialists – Heidi Lough, Maddie Elder and Megan Cook – spoke to students of the University of Rotterdam’s Finance and Investment Masters program, in a session hosted at the University of San Andres (UdeSA).
Their presentation, “Argentina’s political landscape: the challenging road to prosperity” explored how the Macri administration’s policy changes have impacted investment, considered the challenges to governability in the short- and long-term and used the mid-term elections in October to examine the current political environment.
Lead Specialist in the Political & Regulatory Risk team, Heidi Lough said, “when making investment decisions in Argentina, it’s important to consider its federal system, regional differences and the power dynamics between the historically influential unions and the government”.
Also participating in the session was Head of the International Affairs Office at the National Securities Commission (CNV), Pablo Mercante.