Santiago Chaher, managing director of Cefeidas Group and Soleded Aroz, lead specialist in Corporate Governance and Compliance at Cefeidas Group, facilitated a professional development seminar on corporate governance presented to an audience composed of professional women leaders preparing to become directors and C-level managers. This program, titled, “Mujeres en Directorios (MED) : Programa de gobierno corporativo con perspectiva de género” was held with Fundación FLOR (Fundación Liderazgos y Organizaciones Responsables). The topics discussed during the class included the roles and responsibilities of directors, the composition of the board, and processes and practices of work with an efficient and effective board of directors.
The seminars are held 4 times a year and this class marked the 7th edition.
For more information about the program and la Fundación FLOR, visit the Facebook page here.