On January 8, 2015, Juan Cruz Díaz, Managing Director of Cefeidas Group, was featured in the Inter-American Dialogue‘s Latin America Advisor commenting on the following question: “Soon after winning election, Argentine President Mauricio Macri said his country and Chile may resume trading natural gas in the coming years, something that would be made possible by anticipated gains in hydrocarbon production. Meanwhile, national oil company YPF also announced in December that it will join with Dow Argentina to invest $500 million into shale gas exploration, one of the biggest investments in Argentina to be announced in years. Will Argentina’s energy sector under Macri’s administration see the big advances that optimists are hoping for? What other major changes will Macri make to the energy sector early in his presidency? Will business-friendly Macri be able to attract more FDI in the current climate of low global oil prices?”
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