Santiago Chaher, Cefeidas’ Managing Director, was honored with the Alastair Ross Goobey Award Scholarship in London, UK on June 3, 2015. The ARG Award Scholarship was established jointly by the ICGN and Hermes Fund Managers in April 2008 to commemorate Alastair’s contribution as a pioneer of the international corporate governance movement. In February 2013, Hermes offered an on-going commitment to the ICGN to enable two individuals annually to benefit from this award. The awardees will be engaged in the ICGN work programme for a three-year term.

Mr. Philip Armstrong and Santiago Chaher
‘In reflecting on the value of organisations such as the ICGN we should not overlook the very important social function. At times, pioneers can find themselves isolated. Equally, those who have been involved long-term can run out of energy. Support from others who share the same goals helps enormously to resuscitate spirits. There are also significant benefits to testing your arguments with those who are like minded but would naturally take a different approach. Even when the debate gets heated, it remains friendly and instilled with a sense of common purpose.’ Alastair Ross Goobey, Former Chief Executive, Hermes Fund Management & Former ICGN Chairman